In tribute to the podcast Pondering Pootan with Ajishio Taro & Hachimitsu Boy, Crystal discusses Chapter 148 of Eiji Nonaka's manga series Cromartie High School.
Bonus Episode 44: cybeRRRevolution
Special guest Santo joins us to discuss their newest game, cybeRRRevolution, a three-part adventure about securing the future of a nation that has been shattered by a colonizing force. We talk about the themes of the game extensively and get juicy behind-the-scenes information from Santo.
Read MoreBonus Episode 43: Mailbag
We clear the mailbag of all emails sent during 2023, answering questions about the Tale of the Moon Rabbit, Groose’s reincarnations, and Icelandic Dracula.
Read MoreBonus Episode 42: Echoes of Wisdom has been in development
They announced a new Zelda game and it doesn't play like previous ones and you can play as Zelda! We dive deep into the trailer and spot influences from previous games, most notably Ocarina of Time and Oracle of Ages.
Read MoreBonus Episode 41: Timeline and Lore Questions
We resolve some lingering Zelda questions posed by each other, and introduce a new direction.
Read MoreBonus Episode 40: Mailbag
With our series on Tears of the Kingdom concluded, we return to the mailbag to answer such questions as: Where did the Lurelin pirates go? How do Zora create water? And has anyone heard of "The Institute" Majora's Mask ARG?
Read MoreBonus Episode 39: The Deviant Timelines
To exercise their timeline muscles, Crystal, Monica, and Cameron each present a Zelda timeline based on a forbidden premise. Can Hyrule's geography be reconciled? Can the games be placed in release order? Can there be only a single Link?
Read MoreBonus Episode 38: The Movie Adaptation of The Legend of Zelda is Now in Development
We discuss the possibilities of a Zelda motion picture, as well as our expectations for the actually announced film.
Read MoreBonus Episode 37: The Blessed Timeline
Friend of the show Luke joins us to present a critical re-examination of the Book of Mudora’s methodologies and conclusions, as well as a timeline of his own.
Blessed Timeline Explanation Document:
Blessed Timeline PDF:
Read MoreBonus Episode 36: Everybody Loves Everybody Loves Raymond Episode 3
Robert needs money, so Ray and Debra give him some. But then, Robert decides to go to Las Vegas and gamble.
Read MoreBonus Episode 35: Mailbag
We’re working through our email backlog before getting into Tears of the Kingdom! We discuss the possibility of coexisting Hylia incarnations, Cody Rhodes’ favorite Zelda game, and the mysterious fate of Tortus.
Read MoreBonus Episode 34: Tears of the Kingdom Final Trailer: Part 2: King of All Demons
In the last days before the release of Zelda 20, we have more yet to draw from the final trailer... What are the mysterious objects that resemble the infinity gems? Does anybody reincarnate in Zelda? What is King Ganondorf's workout routine?
Read MoreBonus Episode 34: Tears of the Kingdom Final Trailer: Part 1: Goat Bunny Dragon
As the 20th Legend of Zelda game approaches, we are left with more and more questions: Is Zelda in the past, future, Termina, or Heaven? Does someone existing at any point in the past mean that there are two of them running around? And what kind of shoujo romantic rivalries are they setting up?
Bonus Episode 33: The sequel to The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild has a gameplay demonstration
The Book of Mudora carefully analyzes Hylia's special brand divine super glue that lets you glue a big rock to your stick... perhaps the only tool able to defeat the sinister king of demons.
Read MoreBonus Episode 32: The sequel to The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild has a title
The Book of Mudora convenes to carefully analyze the two latest trailers of the upcoming game, The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.
Read MoreBonus Episode 31: Everybody Loves Everybody Loves Raymond Episode 2
Hey folks it's the debut episode of your new favorite podcast: Everybody Loves Everybody Loves Raymond! It's the show everybody loves about the show everybody loves: Everybody Loves Raymond!
Read MoreBonus Episode 30: Mailbag
We’re back to answer more of your wonderful emails!! On this episode we answer such questions as: Why does Death Mountain look so messed up in Twilight Princess? Is Beedle related to the Oocca? Why is Hestu so much bigger than the other Koroks? Plus, we give our analysis of the newest 5 seconds of footage from the BOTW2 delay announcement!
Read MoreBonus Episode 29: The Super Mario Timeline
Luke, the host of hit podcast Everybody Loves Everybody Loves Raymond, joins Crystal and Cameron to deduce the chronological timeline of every Super Mario platformer.
You can view the timeline as it stands at
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