It's the P to the O-K-E-M-O-N! Our third Pokémon special episode, covering the forefront Pokémon games in Gen three! And the gang's all here, the gang's all here! We got Luke and Chelsea, Crystal and Lexi! And so we don't let the gust number go to three, we've got the new fusion, Cassemily! Everyone debates which version is the best; all the exclusive 'mons will be put to the test! It'll be a great time, you'll be sure to smile! Chelsea has a hard time paying attention for a while! So sit on down or hop in your car! Pump up the volume 'cause YOUR GAMES THIS WEEK ARE: Pokémon Ruby Version, for GameBoy Advanced; Pokémon Sapphire Version, for GameBoy Advanced; Pokémon Emerald Version, for GameBoy Advanced; Pokémon Fire Red Version, for GameBoy Advanced; and Pokémon Leaf Green Version, for GameBoy Advanced. You can find the complete list of ranked games at
Meme courtousy of Chelsea