Episode discussed: Prisoners
SG-1, high on its streak of good episodes that advance the plot, trips and falls face-first into one of the standard stock cliché sci-fi plots of the week: they break an alien law without realizing it and end up in alien prison. Whoops! This episode is at least Stargate-flavored, as said alien prison is an entire planet that is only accessed through an underground, one-way stargate, with the wardens not even showing their faces once. They just like, hose some gross goop through the stargate and let the inmates sort it out amongst themselves.
So O’Neill immediately recognizes all the prison tropes he sees and decides he’s an expert in whatever’s going on here, whether it conforms to Earth prison clichés or not. Meanwhile, they meet a nice, sweet old lady who has all kinds of magical elixirs she does science-magic with, and whom all the convicts are clearly deathly afraid of. I’m sure there’s nothing to it, she must be on the level, we can have her break out with us and it’ll be fine! Narrator voice: it was not. Also: kawoosh disintegration is finally canon, and Hammond finally steps through the gate. Milestones!
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