Episode 356 - That Skeleton Didn't Do Shit To You

We’re here, its time for Operation Lightspeed!

We discuss: What the hell is the government budget on this underwater base? What did it do BEFORE the evil demons showed up? What exactly was the criteria for deciding a Fireman and a Rock Climber were better Ranger candidates than soldiers?

Plus: Is this horny or not, and, why does Simon want to fight a skeleton SO bad?!?

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Episode 355 - Around The Lost Galaxy In Seven Hundred Seventy Days

Our long, long journey through the Lost Galaxy has finally come to an end, friends, and it only took us TWO YEARS, with a multi month strike and scheduling issues, but we DID IT and we thank you for sticking with us!

We discuss what we think went wrong with the season, Kendrix’ return, Trakeena’s very, very goopy bug form, what the hell the megazord was doing this whole time, and how the heck Mya didn’t realize she was on Mironoi!

We love you and can’t wait to LIGHTSPEED RESCUE

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Episode 354 - Gooning and Beyblading

Welp, Trakeena sure did make good on her threat to use suicide bombers in the children’s program, so that’s great!

We also discuss the most egregious issue with the whole atmosphere problem thus far in Power Rangers!

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Episode 353 - Goodbye to the 2nd Best BioDome of the 90s

We’re back! Zack, Emily and Morgan are joined by Iris as they discuss friend of the show Luke’s wedding, Kamen Rider Ex-Aid, Princess Peach Showtime, and Zack successfully not killing himself with a DIY project.

Plus, Trakeena returns and immediately succeeds at destroying most of Terra Venture, Commander Stanton gets to talk on the Jumbo-Tron, and Power Rangers tries to tell us, 7 seasons in, that they DO need atmosphere to breathe, actually, and we just aren’t having it.

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Episode 351 - I Hate Surfactants

Damon works tirelessly to save the day from a problem they truly don’t bother to explain to us even a little, while Captain Mutiny uses his ultimate weapon to force a very, very long Zord Battle.

Plus we talk about weird video game bugs and cool sea monsters!

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Episode 350 - Sump Daily

Hexuba returns for her second and final appearance as the Rangers fight a bunch of unused Sentai footage they figured they’d just go ahead and get out of the way!

The good news is that Hexuba looks ridiculous, she does have a pretty cool mansion, and also we talk about ghosts and video games for a while because otherwise this would have been the shortest episode we’ve ever recorded!

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Episode 349 - Who Ordered A Snoofquet?

Captain Mutiny enlists Hexuba, a sorceress, to destroy the rangers with a Freddy Kruger-esque plan that rests on the fact the rangers are idiots and just CANNOT stop sniffing these magical sleep flowers!

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Episode 348 - Super Clips

Join us as we join two sweaty, dehydrated boys to do a clip show and try and remember exactly what’s been going on in Lost Galaxy.

Even THEY knew well enough to just skip the Lights of Orion so that’s nice!

Plus we talk about Pirate Tortures and which of them turn out to have not just been Movie Inventions.

Also, fun ways to drink water. It’s on topic, Promise.

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Episode 347 - Grunchor Death?

We’re back with our first recorded episode since the strike! Unfortunately, its kind of boring and not that much happens. Fortunately, the swabbies are there and the monster is still called Grunchor.

Plus we talk about The Groose, and also try to determine what Pokemon type the Grinch is, for reasons I don’t quite remember, but I do remember he’s Normal.

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Bonus 76 - Teenagers With Ninjutsu TMNT3 Part 2

We wrap up TMNT III and unfortunately it kinda starts to fall apart.

How do you tell if something has scenes cut for time or the script is just bad?

Why is Leonardo’s grimacing face so scary? Why is Mikey such a creeper? And at least Raph has a cute arc with a little kid, thats nice!

Happy New Year to the TWA family!

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Bonus 75 - Teenagers With Ninjutsu TMNT3 Part 1

Happy Holidays, Dudes! Zack, Emily and Morgan come together to discuss this often-maligned 3rd entry in the TMNT live action movies for our annual ‘Christmas’ movie.

Emily argues it doesn’t deserve its reputation, Morgan uses their education to tell us exactly how bad the historical accuracy is, and Zack really, really wants you to know how hot he finds Elias Kotias.

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Bonus 73 - Popeye Was The Sort of Man

Magic Swords! The Historical King Arthur (but not that one). Reading is FUN-damental!

Zack, Emily, Iris, and Luke tackle a disliked entry in the recent parts of the Kamen Rider franchise, Kamen Rider Saber! We love the extremely over the top henshins.. but you can see a little bit of the problems.

At least they made sure we know that books could NEVER be used for evil!

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Bonus 72 - The Kamen So Nice They Ridered It Twice

Zack is joined by Emily, Morgan, Simon, and Iris to discuss the Kamen Rider that’s two boys at once, Kamen Rider W!

Plus, mild surprise at the Noir theme, whether your plucky sidekick can also be a landlord, falling down a wikipedia hole, and T-Rex heads.

AND we congratulate Iris and the rest of the Eidolon Playtest crew on becoming AWARD WINNING PODCASTERS.

PLUS, check out our Extra Life page and join us November 5th for a gaming marathon, for the kids! https://www.extra-life.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=donorDrive.team&teamID=65222

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Bonus 71 - A Guy Singing In His Birthday Suit

Happy Birthday Dear OOO’s! It’s Kamen Rider OOO’s with Zack, Morgan, and Emily, as they talk about the sweet loser ska boy who’s boyfriend is a disembodied floating arm but somehow still fabulous!

Featuring a CEO obsessed with birthday cakes, a vending machine that’s also a motorcycle, and octopus shaped flying drones that form a floating skybridge, this one is wild, y’all!

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Bonus 70 - Some Kind of Kamen Rider Train With A Gun

Emily, Fabby, and her wife Marie, and returning and beloved host Mike convene to talk about a Kamen Rider Anniversary season that… SORT of has returning characters but not really, and also the main Kamen Rider may or may not literally kill everyone?

Listen to Marie and Fabby try to explain as Mike, Emily and Zack desperately try to keep up.

We do of course all agree that the first 2 minutes are the craziest shit we’ve ever seen.

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Bonus 69 - Kamen Rider Mathemagician

It’s time for Kamen Rider Build! We have experienced Kamen Rider’s Morgan and Fabby at odds over this series (in a friendly rival way as is KR tradition of course), Emily likes both of the Boys in this one, and Simon gets to be the newcomer on this one!

We talk about the good (Goofy special effects, fast and efficient characterization, and fun costume gimmicks) and the bad (treatment of women, confusing exposition) and Zack really, really likes Ryuga!

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Bonus 68 - Abs-olutely Hilarious

Zack is joined by Luke, Ashley, and Iris in the Inaugural episode of our SAG Strike Kamen Rider discussions to talk about Kamen Rider Zero One from 2019!

The crew discusses shitty theme parks, irritating comedians, how fun it is to shout “BULLET” in a robot voice, and the inherent hilarity of a man with robot abs!

Thank you for your support of both us and SAG!

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