The universe conspires to keep Zack off of the episode of the final “reveal” of the gold ranger, and Mike steps in to host! Jordan of War And Beast guests as we discuss Jason’s Return to the show!
Read MoreEpisode 193 - A Trace Of Tres Treys
We Finally discover the truth of the gold ranger, and its way, way, WAY weirder and dumber than you’d ever possibly imagine!
Except we spoiled it already so just enjoy us talking about what the fuck is going on here!
Episode 192 - Never Forget Gone Fishin'
Join us as an entire army of tireless machines, a team of superheroes lead by a robot and a space wizard, and the worlds best private eyes all try and fail to find a giant, massive spaceship made of gold shaped like a pyramid.
Read MoreEpisode 191 - Don't Get Your Doofrats Twisted
Bulk and Skull show their detective genius this week, plus we once again get extremely confused by the physiology of the machine empire.
Read MoreEpisode 190 - Michael Bolton's Big Wave Competition
We’ve got a smaller crew this week but we get to discuss Rocket Power and other Extreme Sports Kids shows so its okay! Kat is a surfer in this one, Adam and Tanya try very, very slowly to stop some pollution, and we forgot Tommy had a brother, but thats okay because so does he!
Read MoreEpisode 189 - I'm Being Serious, Whose Child IS This?
We continue the tradition of absolutely wild Christmas episodes with questions about the continuity of the show, whether Tommy has sworn off technology for all time, and also the plot of the episode is literally a Racism Laser so its one of those episodes.
Read MoreEpisode 188 - Big Trouble In Little Episode
Hey guys, Zack here
Before we begin, I want to make it very clear I am not present on this episode and had no input into its creation, and its views do not represent me
Ok, y’all ready?
Here we goooo
Episode 187 - The Space Butthole Pyramid Man
Remember when we first started this show and we were really excited about all the cool things that were happening?
Get ready for a blast from the past because the Gold Ranger is here and he’s COOL AS HELL!!!
Episode 186 - The Case of the Missing Trees of Californeo
This week join us as we discuss ostracized power ranger actors, the sonic trailer, and what exactly the status of the machine empires army is!
Read MoreEpisode 185 - Ernie Is My Buddy
Zack’s out of town again and its time for. Well, its time for the musical episode.
Yeah, we’ve been running that long.
Episode 184 - Billy Clowns Insanely On His Metal Foes
On this episode, Mike hosts a small crew and gets shit done much, much more efficiently than Zack could ever dream of doing!
Episode 183 - Tell Zack Your Poop Game
Whats this? A goofy one off episode!?!? What is this, power rangers or something!?
Yeah its a fun one guys! Bask in the glory that is TOMACULA! Hear Zacks bad dracula voice! Discover how Flubber works!
Episode 182 - Punitive Hot Sushi
We roll off of one problematic series of episodes and on to another one!
Also, Blue Ranger is cemented as “the one what gets all the love interests!”
Also our “before we close the show” segment continues to get weirder and weirder?
Episode 181 - Bblooblbblooblbbloobl
We finally and mercifully bring the arrowhead saga to a close, talk about the power rangers audition process, and once again raise the cieling of how gay Bulk and Skull can possibly, possibly get on screen.
Also, at some point Simon is bodily posessed by Eric.
(Please everyone give mad props to Eric for saving the last 20 minutes of this episode!)
Episode 180 - Weedleyweedleyweedley
Tommy continues his quest of questionable cultural sensitivity and we are just VERY confused about what the hell the arrowhead is supposed to do, other than make extremely frustrating noises!
Episode 179 - Metal Milk Does A Chassis Good
This week Adam gets shrunk and we don’t even have the energy to tease Luke about it because Zack decides now is the time to come up with his own theory that nearly destroys the podcasts and also our friendships forever.
Read MoreEpisode 178 - Podcasting In The Time Of Colds
This week we begin our four week slog through the cultural appropriation storyline. Hang in there because the good news is Tommy gets a new robot that totally rules? Also, Bulk and Skull are defeated by the most nefarious enemy of all, police nepotism.
Read MoreEpisode 177 - As The Coin Turns
Join us this week for an especially soap opera episode as Kat either makes everything worse or enacts her evil master plan, depending upon your own personal head canon.
Episode 176 - Tongues Are The Snowmobiles Of The Mouth
Lexi hosts this week as we try to figure out just how many ways there are to describe how hard they’re trying to draw out this 3 parter!
Art by Lexi
Episode 175 - 1080 Sad Boy Swoop
Lucas joins us as we discuss sad, sad Tommy, his very, extremely bad hair, and the most unnecessarily long snowboarding sequence of all times.
Oh, and of course we blow Lucas’ mind about 90s hat fashion.