We once again try to gingerly avoid racism while we talk about an episode full of some of that good 'ol 1990's Stephen King fueled Romani stereotypes. There's some good stuff too though, like more confirmation of our Billy/Trini shipping, Goldar definitely not being a Domme, trying to figure out where you steal a single Swimming Flipper, and an extensive discussion of Adam Sandler movies and Donkey Kong 64.
Episode Discussed: S02E35: Scavenger Hunt
Episode 95 - Be Cool About Fire Safety
We're joined by some old friends as we learn about the original pitch for the show, discuss putties with matches, whether or not this horse is evil, discuss the all important Juicer Safety, Zordon breaks his record for "shittiest thing he's done so far", and Zack tries out some new segments for the show.
S02E34: Where There's Smoke There's Fire
Episode 94 - Boo Boo Dawg
Molly substitute hosts and makes Zack proud by antagonizing everyone as quickly as possible in this episode where essentially nothing happens!
We discover that the canonical year for power rangers is 1989, Matt tells us about Egypt Times, Zedd continues to lower the bar, Billy finally realizes Zordon sucks, Joel misunderstands Newton's laws of motion, and Goldar likes Sandalwood.
S2E33: Lights Camera Action
Episode Discussed: S02E32: Rocky Just Wants To Have Fun
Episode 93 - Local Child Bullied By Tree
Join us for Mike's Favorite Episode, an episode wherein Rocky becomes a weird Gambling Addict Slash Psychopath, Skull actually comes up with a pretty good plan, Goldar gets passive aggressive, we reuse an entire sequence but with a different color filter, and everyone patronizes Rocky for being mind controlled
Episode Discussed: S02E32: Rocky Just Wants To Have Fun
Episode 92 - Suitcase Full Of Prisms
Billy's got a suicase full of prisms, bulk and skull are heroes, Zack wants to talk about McDonaldLand and we discuss the most important topic of all: Sonic Original Characters.
Episode Discussed: S02E31: When is a Ranger Not A Ranger
Episode 91 - The Zord Is Black Like My Soul
Join us as we continue to learn that Adam is a perpetual Sadboy, as Lord Zedd's plan this week is literally a thing that happens to us all the time without the help of evil curses.
We also relive some terrible highschool memories, listen to Bob Sagat narrate said memories, adopt a stray Goldar, and learn that Tommy has in fact always been a time traveler.
Season 2 Episode 30: Mirror Of Regret
Episode 90 - Skullgirl & The Sensational She Bulk
Join us and our friend Fletcher to discuss the only appearance of American Scorpina.... but more importantly, the most overlooked minor characters in any media ever, Lady Bulk & Skull.
Episode Discussed: S02E29: Goldar's Vice Versa
Episode 88 - Illuminati Confirmed
The power transfer is complete! Join us to talk about drinking a whole bottle of Nyquil, being murdered by a soccerball, the most duress one can be under, Christmas on the Moon, and a special performance by Green Day (Okay its Joel but he does a good job alright)
S02E28: Power Transfer Part 2
Episode 87 - Tor And The Chaos Emerald
We're joined by a skeleton crew plus our friend Molly and new buddy Fletcher to discuss the first part of the power transfer, our poor boy Tor being just fucking murdered, how cool Serpentera is, and Bulks INCREDIBLE jacket.
Episode S02E27: Power Transfer Part 1
Episode 86 - #Jortflips
We welcome our friend Lucas back to the show as Zack Finally gets a yes to his burning question, we discuss how the power rangers get paid, Jason wins the hunger games, and we spend a long, long time talking about Jorts.
Also a special announcement about an addition to Audio Entropy!
S02E26: Zedd Waves
Episode 85 - Lexi Likes Turtles
Also there's chocolate coins, racist costumes, Saban favoring Israel, messages in bottles and ALSO A BIG ROBOT TURTLE THAT YOU CAN HUG AND OR PET
Episode Discussed: S02E25: A Monster Of Global Proportions
Episode 84 - Putty Appreciation Day
The thrilling conclusion of the Ninja encounter leads to more baby hijinks, the uncovering of the true hero of the movie Speed, a delicious new alcoholic beverage, and Billy's most courageous battle of all!
Episode Discussed: S02E24: The Ninja Encounter Part 3
Episode 83 - Johnny Very Yong Bosch
Oops (Almost) all guests in this episode as Mike hosts! We discuss perhaps the most inconsequential episode ever, Mike creates and destroys segments at will, the insanity of 'jetting', teenagers are threatened with a wooden snake, and a plethora of emails!
S02E23: The Ninja Encounter Part 2
Episode 82 - Baby's Day Out
The end is here for our original ranger team, as their replacements are introduced in this episode. We talk about bad body doubles, re-used footage, Tommy's incongruous wardrobe, and the goofiest fucking chase scene ever committed to celluloid.
S02E22: The Ninja Encounter Part 1
Episode 81 - Ground Candy
Mike is missing, but we're joined by New and Improved Luke for the first episode thats missing half the original cast! We talk about Kimberly carrying the cast (as well as her Russian Mob History), Bulk & Skull literally steal candy from babies, and the Putties adopt their worst disguise ever.
Also, Joel and Matt try to explain to Zack that most beautiful of phenomenons: Ground Candy.
Episode Discussed: S02E21: Zedd's Monster Mash
Read MoreEpisode 80 - Grandpa Phased Into The Speed Force
Hey everyone! We had a bit of a technical hiccup this week cutting the discussion a little short, but fortunately we've still got the whole crew, plus Jules, present for talk about Simon's One Handed Superheroics, Jules schooling us on Dairanger, why every girl in Angel Grove is Horny for Science, Zack's misunderstanding of how children learn to run, and of course a Bear.
Episode Discussed: S02E20: Opposites Attract
Episode 79 - Tim Allen's Mandela Effect
Totally Reprise Co-Host and friend Molly returns to join us and confirm our suspicions that Kimberly's new purse is pretty much bullshit. Also who the hell keeps Dental Floss in their purse? This whole thing is highly suspicious.
Also we are just so, so excited about Tommy's White Ranger fashion, discuss #leggate, and Luke tries to kill the podcast with Tim Allen quotes.
Episode Discussed: S02E19 Two For One
Episode 78 - The Jughead Betrayal
He's here, he's finally here! That's right, Dustin is back to guest! Oh also I guess Tommy returns, and we discuss how well (or poorly) the reveal is handled, with some divisive feelings on a particular scene to say the least. But one thing we all agree on is FUCK YEAH NEW ZORD FOOTAGE! Join us in our excitement at giant robot tigers with weird mecha-crowns!
Oh also... Jason gets demoted and its very sad and frustrating BUT ROBOT PUNCHES YOU GUYS!
Episode Discussed: S02E18: White Light Part 2
Episode 77 - The Fourth Bop It Command
We begin the creation of the White Ranger by... fighting about Sonic Adventure 2 some more, discussing the most recent movie trailer, and teasing Simon for his love of Subway.
Once we get into it, Zack scoops a crazy theory from Luke, Billy is Keylogging the command center computers, we have an extended discussion on different video game toilets, and finally we discuss the Board Game Movie Cinematic Universe.
Episode Discussed: S02E17: White Light Part 1
Episode 76 - Goldar's Cave of Fantasy
So Luke invited someone over to the podcast and then ditched us, but its fine because Dustin is here to tell us the difference between Gohan and Trunks and tell us about Goldar's Cave of Fantasy!
Zedd's plans get a little creepy this week as he tries to make Rita his Queen, Zack shares an unsettlingly relevant Sex Cave story, we review Curtis & Ritchie's dark purposes... and give our thoughts on the Nintendo Switch for some reason!
Episode Discussed: S02E16 Beauty and the Beast