This is it y’all! Our best ofs for the entire Zordon Era!
We cover:
Best Villain
Best General
Best Mook
Best 6th Ranger
Best Ranger
And more!
Thank you once again to all of you for sticking with us through this journey and we can’t wait to share our journey into the unknown Lost Galaxy with you!
Episode 308 - Teenagers With Attitude Presents The 2021 Zordon Memorial Tudie Awards For Dis-Excellence In The Field Of Morphin
The In-Space Tudies are here, and we discuss some of the WORST of the year, but also talk about some of the ways in which the show has been sidestepping the absolute worst parts of Power Rangers.
Some topics of our dislike: Dark Specter (except for Fabby), Zordon and the Z wave, and our boy Andros.
We also talk a LOT about Ninjor. Who is up for no awards. We just love him.
Episode 307 - Teenagers With Attitude Presents The 2021 Zordon Memorial Teenie Awards For Excellence In The Field Of Morphin
Hello everyone, its time for the In Space/2021 Teenies! Finally!
We reminisce on the fact that this season does have a TON of really great episodes and moments, and really, truly, how much we love Zhane, Waspicable, and Silvy. But MOSTLY Zhane.
Episode 306 - Only Zordon Can Judge Me
Thank you everyone for taking this journey with us. 6 Seasons in the book. And we don’t… LOVE this episode. Hey is Zordon space racist? HEY ARE BULK AND SKULL THE ONLY GOOD PARTS?!
Luke joins us we we all bash on a fan favorite but do pick out the stuff we love!
Fuck Andros, we out!
Episode 305 - Drowning In Zordung
We’re here. We’re at part one of the finale. And Zordon did poop in the tube, yes.
Mike joins us and has some catch up thoughts, we discuss Tommy vs Andros, we get a confirmation about Zhane, we still don’t understand space in PR, and most importantly, we talk about what would happen if Zack got Isekai’d
Episode 304 - Runnin' From A Hummer
The final monster of the week before the Zordon Era ends is:: A car!
We talk about the goofiness and tension the episode manages but also the frustrations we’ve had with the season as a whole, give some early thoughts on rankings, and talk about the horrific body modifications Andros is going through, and also that he has boobs!
Also Fabby discusses some of the frustrations with TTRPG game design that come through in the new Power Rangers TTRPG.
Episode 303 - The Net Starring Andros Bullock
We are nearing the end of Power Rangers In Space and its time to remember one of the most important aspects of Power Rangers that has gone unremarked on for too long: Alpha is a Little Stinker.
Also, Zack talks about his disappointments with the PR TTRPG, and we still hate the battleizer.
Episode 302 - Stepponda Darkonda
Simon joins Zack as Ecliptor well and truly gets his whole shit pushed in, The Psycho Rangers return and iimmediately get punked, and thankfully Silvi is here and not dead!
Read MoreEpisode 301 - Vacksacker Tesseract Attacker
Luke joins Zack and we talk about the Vacksacker a lot, maybe too much, and then just take some time for ourselves to talk about games and game design.
Read MoreEpisode 300 - Episode 300 The Seymour Fucktacular
Welcome to Episode 300! Fabby and Emily Join Zack as we debate one of the hottest topics of our time: What the fuck is this little puppet guy and what does he have to do with the reproductive process of the Lamprey?
Plus, a surprise from our editor Eric and you, the listeners!
Episode 299 - Climbing Out Of The Hole
The conclusion of the Psycho Ranger saga is here!
Zack complains its not as good as the Sentai, we talk about FATE, we get some updated news on the future of Power Rangers at Netflix, and we create better properties than Hasbro ever will!
Episode 298 - But Doctor...
A pretty fun episode could only be improved by the most unlikely disguise.
Zhane continues to be inexplicable, and the Psychos finally get human forms!
Episode 297 - I Just Blue Myself
Its “Oops all TJs” As we discuss morphin grid mechanics, TJ being the better leader, missed opportunities for ranger chemistry, and the truth about Sad Lonely Boy Zhane.
Also Extra Life 2021 starts Today, November 5th at 7 EST on, and you should donate to our team at!
Episode 296 - Simon's Conflict-Free Bones Goggles
Woo-Wee we haven’t talked about a real barn burner of a problematic episode in a bit! This one has uncomfortable racial and gender politics out the ass, so buckle up!
The good news is we learn about what bone goggles are!
I dunno, maybe skip this one!
Episode 295 - Angel Grove Got One More Angel
Join us for what starts off like an old school MMPR episode and takes one of the weirder turns we’ve seen in a while!
Also, Carlos simply cannot stand that a little girl beat him at video games.
Episode 294 - Public Displays of Aggression
The Psycho Rangers are here!
We talk about why they’ve endured, the origin and insensitivity of the name, and their Sentai counterparts. Plus! Simon and Mike return!
Episode 290 - The Five Lives of Darkondasina
Sometimes you just have a really, really in depth discussion on the nature of good and evil in your power rangers podcast.
Also sometimes your villain drops something so insane you cannot help but laugh at it!
Episode 289 - Pat Pat The Bat Cat That Went Splat Splat
Zack and Fabby discourse about discourse, talk about Andros as a screen presence, and get very excited when the monster fall down!
Read MoreEpisode 288 - Adam Consoles Distressed Carlos Back In Black
Carlos has a crisis of confidence and Adam returns to help him shake the yips. Also, Continuity!
A rare non-teamup teamup episode thats a lot of fun and also makes us sad about there being less martial arts in the show than there used to be.
Episode 286 - Simon Says Tsundere
Our friends Lucas and Jordan join Zack and Simon to discuss Astronema and Zhane thirsting for each other?!?
This weird plot choice leads to one of the most fun episodes in a while and some of the funniest Astronema acting on record, and a little more appreciation for Zhane on our end.