On this episode we discuss Yu-Gi-Oh and Zack’s confusion over it, Divatox uses Time Travel for the weirdest and most short sited purpose, we find out who is and isn’t immune to time magic, and the Phantom Ranger saves the day again.
Read MoreEpisode 240 - Tall, Dark, and Invisible
The phantom ranger continues to just be the hottest thing since sliced bread, and everybody wants a peice, especially Cassie.
But also the rangers keep forgetting who he even is?
This is gonna be a weird 6th ranger saga, folks.
Episode 239 - Phantom of the Morphin'plex
Jordan joins us and we meet the Phantom Ranger! He’s pretty neat! Then we immediately learn what makes him not neat!
But at least Divatox’s plan is extremely stupid!
Episode 238 - Pizza Force
We are joined by game designer and Power Rangers Statistician Riley to discuss one of the most infamous but also most fun episodes of the show: that’s right, the power rangers get baked into a pizza.
We also discuss ranger shipping, pizza toppings, and the perfect ratio of crust to ‘za.
You can find Riley on twitter at https://twitter.com/RevRyeBread and their games on http://linksmithgames.com@
Read MoreEpisode 237 - Lightning "Cruiser" McQueen
This week, Mike, Greg, and Jordan are tasked with describing the performances of characters who cannot speak, emote, or move most parts of their bodies. It goes about as well as you’d espect.
Read MoreEpisode 236 - The Senturion's New Clothes
We’ve got our new team and we’re off to the races with… no real introduction at all! Good news though: We’ve got a goofy as hell plot and some big dumb jackets!
Read MoreEpisode 235 - Hetero For A Bit
Its been a long, long journey to get here, but gather with us around the Aggro Crag and say goodbye to Tommy with us. Feelings are mixed.
Read MoreEpisode 234 - Nebulous Baseball Aptitude
It’s Zack’s Birthday, and he’s collected a group of some of his oldest friends and forced them to watch the first of a two parter of power rangers in which no power ranger-ing occurs!
You may determine how good of a friend Zack is for yourself.
Episode 233 - Big Jeezy Don't Tap To Germs
Its a special birthday episode for Emily and Cassie guests! Witness the end of chimp bulk and skull!
Happy birthday Em!
Episode 232 - Big D Small Rangers
Once again power rangers teases us with the promise of shrunken rangers and then edges us for the entire episode.
Lucas of DCOMedy joins us to discuss how COVID has affected the fandom and power rangers, and we… have like, a really good time with the beginning of this two parter?
Episode 231 - Bunheads and Apple Juice
We meet Lt. Stone’s Niece Jenny and its… weird? Also, the villain re-enacts Fast & the Furious 8!
Episode 230 - Kick the Ball, Touch a Boob
Carlos and Ashley are introduced, Elgar rides the lightning, Divatox is a homer, and we learn about the true importance of teamwork: it will get you laid.
Episode 229 - C-3P0P0
We meet the Blue Senturion and struggle between his goofy robot antics and his police brutality! Plus: What exactly did Zordon do in his off time? How does Divatox do that with her voice? And how dumb is this millenium message plot?
Episode 228 - Species Dysphoria
We get maybe the worst messaging about bullies the show has ever done and also finally get to see what happens when a Divatox detonator goes off! Did you guess “explode?” Shockingly, you’d be wrong!
Episode 227 - Fairly By The Numbers
We tremble at the wrath of Divatox’s mightiest villain yet: NUMBOR!! With the power of… NUMBERS! Also, fat shaming. Yeah its gonna be one of those, unfortunately.
Read MoreEpisode 226 - Divatox Dumping Delinquent
We meet another of Divatox’s exes, have some questions about hieroglyphics, and really enjoy Adam just loving to shoot things with a big gun.
Read MoreEpisode 225 - Justin Is Mike's Fav Oh Hi Pirhanatrons
A Justin spotlight episode, oh boy! Justin is forced to act like he’s being electrocuted and then lie unconvincingly! We continue to fall in love with Porto, and Bulk & Skull save the day!
Read MoreEpisode 224 - Porto Redenbacher's Birthday Surprise
Divatox continues her rampage of trying to murder children, Tommy is a bad dad, and, of course, we discover Porto’s magic powers.
Read MoreEpisode 223 - Stunt Show, Don't Stunt Tell
Mike takes over hosting duties as the crew discusses the actual factual, real deal, no joke, no exaggeration, utterly uncontested, single dumbest B-Plot in the show thus far. We mean it.
Read MoreEpisode 222 - Why ISN'T Egg-Bake There?
Hey everyone, welcome to the Warren show! Today we talk about everyone’s favorite power rangers character, Warren, as he dunks on that fuckin nerd Justin.
Everyone get your driving scarf ready!
Oh, also, Elgar tries to murder a ton of children.