Hey guys good news! I found a backup podcast in the basement! Now that we are re-established its time to get down to whats really important: Using Tanya’s backstory to confuse and torture Luke!
Episode 159 - This Is Fine
As we discuss the last episode of Alien Rangers, Lexi pulls out all the stops to avoid talking about the show her podcast is about!
We also discuss Rita’s Unified Field Theory, earthquake readiness, feeding pretty ladies water, The Tanya/Aisha problem, and for some reason Rito gets Toon Powers?
Oh also, spoilers, we all die at the end!
Episode Discussed: S03E43: Hogday Afternoon Part 2
Read MoreEpisode 158 - Limping Towards the Finish Line
Simon returns and pogs get discussed, because of course they do? Also, we take a full and complete inventory of what is in Africa (Apparently its just Lions), Zedd devises a new(ish) plan, try to understand the command center’s basement, discuss the dichotomy between the very competent and also very stupid alien rangers, and finally talk about the horror that is Gwyneth Paltrow
Episode Discussed: S03E42: Hogday Afternoon Part 1
Read MoreEpisode 157 - What The Hell Is Kats Backstory
This week we delve into the episode we are perhaps least equipped to talk about, both because of some poor portayals of indigenous people and also because we literally do not fucking understand what the hell is going on in a good 50% of the episode!
Buckle up cause it gets rocky. Errr… Kat. And Tommy.
Episode Discussed: S03E41: Sowing The Seas Of Evil
Episode 156 - Wet and Soapy Tenga Taint
This week, we see a Tenga naked, and we get really mad about it.
I feel like there's not much else to say here.
Episode 155 - Putting the Quest in Questionable
Lexi lets Junior Coorespondant Zack do an actor spotlight so that she can avoid the news segment again before we really dig into the problematic Zeo Quest arc.
Along the way we discuss Time Hole Accidents, Zedd's thing for witches, Zack finally breaks in the face of the show's logic, Goldar finds an unlikely concessions stand, and a fish gives Cestro vague directions.
Episode Discussed: S03E39: Water You Thinking
Read MoreEpisode 154 - Wet and Wild Mr Wilton
Cassie guests as Zordon sends the young rangers to release their pent up energy and get wet... at the water park! Look, Zordon gets gross this episode, its not my fault.
The alien rangers have some great fight scenes, Skull rounds up a posse, Bulk shoots the moon, and we get mad about time travel again!
Along the way we discuss how English was invented, Science Hoards, what the hell it is Zordon actually does, and imaginary cereals.
Episode Discussed: S03E38: Attack of the 60’ Bulk
Read MoreEpisode 153 - Zordon Enters Screensaver Mode
Join us as Lexi finally begins to regret her chosen format of news segment, Eric exerts his editing power, Zack discusses his long history with soda, and Emily nearly blushes herself into nonexistance!
Plus, An old lady is mean to kids, the Aquitians bully some small children, Rito proves he's even dumber than we previously expected, and learn why we ship Bestro!
Episode Discussed: S03E37: The Alien Trap
Read MoreEpisode 152 - We Will Never Forget You... Kamborly?
We are joined by Frankie, Jordan, and... Zack?!? to discuss the most Alien Rangers of things: a quick Michael Myers career retrospective.
Okay yes we also talk about the show: Frankie loves the Alien Rangers and begins a battle of wills with Lexi, Rito and Goldar fail to commandeer a bus filled with small children, the rangers fail to do anything whatsoever to stop the worst thing that's happened to them so far, Cestro is the Blue One, and the Alien Rangers are rewarded during what appears to be an extremely LGBTQ Positive Ceremony?
Episode Discussed: S03E36: Climb Every Fountain
Read MoreS03E35: Alien Rangers Of Aquitar Part 2
Episode 151 - Why A Fish? Only Ninjor Knows.
Lexi continues her reign of terror with forced discussion of Sonic Mania and very broken video games before we discuss the first real appearance of the alien rangers!
We talk about the somewhat technically impressive but very irritating voice filter, the Alien Rangers conflict with California's water shortage, the fact that Popeye fucks, the intricacies of warehouse districts, alien child marriage, and why exactly it's a fish.
Episode Discussed: S03E35: Alien Rangers Of Aquitar Part 2
Read MoreEpisode 150 - Aliens With Battleborgs
As we enter a new era, we get new rangers, a new host, and a new, clearly not hastily overdubbed theme song!
We also discuss all your favorite normal and not weird at all topics, like Funko pops, the death of our previous host, the best small blunt force objects to use in combat, and everyones favorite small child antics!
Episode Discussed: S03E34: Alien Rangers Of Aquatar Part 1
Read MoreEpisode 148 - Its A No From Me, Dog
Ryan guests and we talk about Shakespeare, Crush 40, and a power rangers work-life balance before diving into the episode for the week!
Once there, we discuss Bulk & Skull's disrespect for police property, Power Ranger Dancing, how sad we are that Ninjor is god, why the rangers are such squares, and ALL THE MEGAZORDS (Lexi's note: half the megazords at best)
Episode Discussed: S03E32: The Sound Of Dischordia
Read MoreEpisode 147 - Master Viles 50 Turn Plan
Frankie joins us for Master Vile's Murder party and helps razz Zack about his Zackcidents.
We also get to hear Frankie guess about what like part 1 and 2 were like, Mike makes a new ring tone, we talk about the new creative team for the comic, the show attempts to really make the Zords feel like machines, Zordon continues to not follow OSHA regulations, and we have an extended Mario Party discussion where Zack discusses his favorite Goombas.
Episode Discussed: S03E31: Master Vile And The Metallic Armor Part 3
Episode 146 - Super Glitter N Globbers
We’re joined by Lucas, the only person who ever has Power Rangers News, and he doesn’t disappoint! We also discuss JDF finally getting his Logan… even though he’s not technically involved.
Plus we discuss the nature of Good and Evil as forces in the Power Rangers universe, 50 FIrst Dates Disease, Zedd and Rita being truly, profoundly bad at their jobs, a weirdly dark end of the world party, and, of course, Tofu Cooking Tips!
Episode Discussed: S03E30: Master Vile And The Metallic Armor Part 2
Read MoreEpisode 145 - The Skull-Headed Sneetches
This week we introduce what's sure to be everyone's favorite new segment: Lexi's Small Animals Report, as well as some additional news about Hasbro's plans for the future of the Power Rangers franchise.
In the realm of the actual episode: Master Vile appears and makes the Repulsa family even more confusing, we discuss the anatomy of Lord Zedd's head, the show does some actually fairly clever retconning while introducing the Zeo Crystal, and a Toy Falconzord is a major plot point!
Episode Discussed: S03E29: Master Vile And The Metallic Armor Part 1
Read MoreEpisode 144 - Memory Is Stored In The Heart
This week, we get the privilege of discussing whether Jason David Frank's new video game will be bad bad or fun bad, Skull's family tree, the curse of too much original footage, and more nerf props.
On the actual episode discussion, the rangers display flagrant, WILDLY inappropriate animal handling abilities with their new chimpanzee friend, a herald of things to come. Plus, Emily Just Absolutely Can't with our dumb fiction today.
Episode discussed: S03E28: A Chimp In Charge
Read MoreEpisode 143 - Pollution 1 Captain Planet 0
Special Fighting Game Coorrespondant Matt rejoins us to help discuss the Street Fighter V Power Rangers news and My Little Pony FIghting games!
Plus we discuss the first episode of Katherine and Friends in which Billy saves the day and Katherine gets the credit! Also, an accidental monster grapples with its existence, and we watch the first kids show ever where pollution saves the day!
S03E26: Rita's Pita
Episode 142 - Zedds Bread
hey when you have a second could you add this text to the newest episode on the site:
"Greg joins us as we talk about Rita's best motivation for her evil plan ever: Shaming that sanctimonious fat-shaming jerk, Tommy Oliver. Plus, Kat gets and then loses psychic powers!
Plus we talk about expensive Steel Book DVDs, Upsetting double entendres, Bulk & Skull's fish obsession, and... our guesses about the Tony Awards?"
Read MoreEpisode 141 - Magenta Part 3
S03E25: A Different Shade Of Pink Part 3
We welcome our new friend Cassidy as we say goodbye to an old friend, and a big shakeup hits the Power Rangers Universe! We discuss the departure of Kimberly and the purchase of the Power Rangers brand by Hasbro!
Along the way we'll also discuss a lost political Genesis game, why Zedd & Rita are a good couple, delicate hostage situations, and sexy skeleton massages.
Episode 140 - Fuschia Part 2
We are happy to welcome Lexi to the podcast as we discuss Trashman the Trash Man and Kat and Kimberly have an off-screen heart to heart!
We go over some Shattered Grid thoughts and discuss Spoilers (the concept, not actual spoilers), Zack explains pay phones, Finnster burns Kimberly, the Tengas have weird abs, and why Tequila is a Sometimes Booze.