Join us and to discuss The first part of the original MMPR film!
Before we begin we discuss the new Power Rangers HyperForce RPG and our excitement at seeing Bulk finally be a ranger, talk about the inequitable Zord distribution in Ninja Steel, and get a very sleepy Lucas to give us his power rangers news.
Then with that out of the way we talk about our divisive opinions on Ivan Ooze, and the movie suits, and our absolutely non-divided opinions on the rockin soundtrack, extremely misplaced sound effects, and Aisha's special, special powers.
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This week Mike is back as host, Guest Ryan returns after the Jebediah incident, and new guest Cassandra joins us to watch an episode where everyone is so competent that its intensely offputting! Why are characterizations actually good? Why do the rangers and Zordon actually act in a responsible manner? Why is Tommy actually acting as a leader?
Luckily theres still some insane things that happen, apparently being evil makes you want to lift weights, Matt launches his sub podcast Owl Facts, Tommy makes an UTTERLY bizarre art project, and the Putties are very, very proud of their butts.
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We get back into time shenanigans, and this time we appear to accidentally have brought back Jebediah. Jebediah's deal is... confusing. Is he a ghost? Maybe?
Anyway we also talk about the constant menace of Time Holes in Angel Grove, Zack's deep love of Doc Skullovitch, extremely prominent putty butts (and putty fashion), and, of course, HORNSWAGGLE.
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Join us for a sleepy time recording as Mike continues his attempt to coup the podcast from Zack, we find out that Awake Luke is Punny Luke, we discuss the exciting conclusion of the Green Vs White Ranger trilogy (and disappointing face turns and zord fights), and of course we discuss Zedd's horrifically botched circumcision, because we are still us.
Also, at the mid break we get an amazing fan parody song by listener Paul!
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Mike hosts as its the return of the green ranger, what you've been waiting for the whole time! ...Right?!?The plot and its specifics deeply confuse us and we have a lot of questions this week: How is Colonial Angel Grove Possible? Why don't they just give the putties guns? Why DID Zedd marry Rita? What does the moon crew's Org Chart look like?We do manage to agree on a few things along the way, namely, our show is very stupid, and also we like Sonic Mania very much.
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After years of building it up, its here: Rita and Zedd are married! Join us to witness the celebration and bask in four uninterrupted minutes of a complete fever dream of insanity. We'll also talk about Audio Entropy Couples Board Game Night, how much we love Evil Alpha and Pathetic Goldar, what part of Zedd's Evil Family putties are, and Luke's difficulty with public compliments.
Plus, Zack hijacks his own show to force everyone listen to him talk about how much he loves Kesha. Kesha is very good. Buy Kesha's new album. I LOVE YOU KESHA
Episode Discussed: S02E43: The Wedding Part 3
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Join us for part 2/3 of The Wedding as Simon Returns and is very confused at why all the monsters are singing a dumb song, why the power rangers spend the entire episode walking in circles, and why Rita now appears to be able to break the 4th wall. Also we discuss the Meatwad/Super Meat Boy/Zedd family reunion, why Alpha is a better villain than Rita and Zedd combined, and how Tommy can possibly be this bad at pep talks.
Episode Discussed: S02E42: The Wedding Part 2
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Join us for the return of both Luke and Rita! Both of them seem to be upset for some reason! While we try to placate Luke, Rita gets a makeover and hatches a new scheme. Meanwhile we are introduced to the Canadian Tuxedo, Zack is confused about how Mimosas work, Finnster learns you can't solve every problem with monsters, we all urge our listeners not to put alchohol up their butts, and a listener question accidentally makes us launch a new podcast!
Episode Discussed: S02E41: The Wedding Part 1
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Join us this week as we reach episode 100 of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and celebrate (again) with a heaping helping of public embarrassment, a moment of silence for Sonic, Zedd's frustration at Goldar reaches a boiling point, and Alpha just has a god damned gun.
Episode Discussed S02E39: Rangers Back In Time Part 2
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Join us for our Episode 100 extravaganza! You know what that means! That's right, its performance review time! We celebrate 2 years of learning essentially nothing as we delve into the worst time travel mechanics of all time, how Bulk & Skull Met, Kiiiiiid Rocky's fucking hair, the best putty entrance of all time, and a retrospective on how things have changed in 100 episodes. For us, we don't really do that for the show. Whoops!
Episode Discussed: S02E39: Rangers Back In Time
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Zack's still missing, but we're joined by Julie and Crystal to discuss the return of a bunch of dumb fish monsters, and as many ska references as Joel can make.
Along the way we discus double VHS tape movies, Joel apologizes to Gail Simone, we refresh our alphabet, we learn about Wordos and Talkos, Matt wants Steve dead, and we discuss the Moon Crew's Mario Maker levels.
Plus, Mike abuses his host chair to do another gameshow segment!
S02E38: A Reel Fish Story
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Mike hosts this week and a few returning friends join us for some podcast announcements, the return of MoreFactNewsAnimal, Zedd's complete misunderstanding of humans, the rangers being bad at shop class, the most relatable character on the show somehow being a wolf angel, and lots and lots of Gals Being Pals.
S02E37: Forever Friends
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Our friend Kendall joins us on this episode where we prove unequivocally that we are not professionals, as Kendall turns Matt into a ball of white hot rage, Zack doesn't understand how fire and or heat works, and Mike tests our ebay skills in an impromptu gameshow.
Also, the Bookala.
S02E36: The Great Bookala Escape
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We once again try to gingerly avoid racism while we talk about an episode full of some of that good 'ol 1990's Stephen King fueled Romani stereotypes. There's some good stuff too though, like more confirmation of our Billy/Trini shipping, Goldar definitely not being a Domme, trying to figure out where you steal a single Swimming Flipper, and an extensive discussion of Adam Sandler movies and Donkey Kong 64.
Episode Discussed: S02E35: Scavenger Hunt
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We're joined by some old friends as we learn about the original pitch for the show, discuss putties with matches, whether or not this horse is evil, discuss the all important Juicer Safety, Zordon breaks his record for "shittiest thing he's done so far", and Zack tries out some new segments for the show.
S02E34: Where There's Smoke There's Fire
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Molly substitute hosts and makes Zack proud by antagonizing everyone as quickly as possible in this episode where essentially nothing happens!
We discover that the canonical year for power rangers is 1989, Matt tells us about Egypt Times, Zedd continues to lower the bar, Billy finally realizes Zordon sucks, Joel misunderstands Newton's laws of motion, and Goldar likes Sandalwood.
S2E33: Lights Camera Action
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Join us for Mike's Favorite Episode, an episode wherein Rocky becomes a weird Gambling Addict Slash Psychopath, Skull actually comes up with a pretty good plan, Goldar gets passive aggressive, we reuse an entire sequence but with a different color filter, and everyone patronizes Rocky for being mind controlled
Episode Discussed: S02E32: Rocky Just Wants To Have Fun
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Billy's got a suicase full of prisms, bulk and skull are heroes, Zack wants to talk about McDonaldLand and we discuss the most important topic of all: Sonic Original Characters.
Episode Discussed: S02E31: When is a Ranger Not A Ranger
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Join us as we continue to learn that Adam is a perpetual Sadboy, as Lord Zedd's plan this week is literally a thing that happens to us all the time without the help of evil curses.
We also relive some terrible highschool memories, listen to Bob Sagat narrate said memories, adopt a stray Goldar, and learn that Tommy has in fact always been a time traveler.
Season 2 Episode 30: Mirror Of Regret
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Join us and our friend Fletcher to discuss the only appearance of American Scorpina.... but more importantly, the most overlooked minor characters in any media ever, Lady Bulk & Skull.
Episode Discussed: S02E29: Goldar's Vice Versa
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