Episode 69 - To F*** and Do Science In Space

Today we are joined by our friend Cameron to welcome very important series character Ritchie to the cast. Everyone remembers Ritchie right? He's your favorite character! And so Handsome!

We manage to pull ourselves away from Ritchie briefly for Luke to tell us the Tale of Stone Canyon, discuss the shocking reveal of Tommy's mother, Bulk & Skull harvest the Pudgy Pig for parts, and we wonder whether or not Wizards can, in fact, get horny.

Episode Discussed: S02E09: The Beetle Invasion

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Episode 68 - Tony Hawk's Skateboard Murder Warehouse

This week we're back to the main six crew as we talk about yet another instance of Billy's completely rampant, out of control ego, and Luke invents a 'new' power to hopefully explain a way to make Billy not the worst person on the team. Also the Rangers fight an extremely poorly named monster and Skull shows off his video production skills.

Episode Discussed: S02E08: The Power Stealer

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Episode 66 - 90 Degree Angle With Nothing

Hey Putty Patrollers, Join us and our friend Eric as we return you to your regularly scheduled programming as we tackle perhaps the Sitcom-miest power rangers episode to date as we get a plot featuring Kimberly becoming jealous of Trini's success. We also learn that our humble host is basically living in a bad sitcom himself, and Luke tries to rework the show Rosanne-style to bump up our ratings.

Episode Discussed: S02E06: The Bloom Of Doom

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Episode 65 - Dead Dogs and Wreckin' Balls

This week we overcome Canadian Thanksgiving, Columbus Day, and a hurricane to bring you timeless discussion of this week's episode, which is basically They Live but with Putties and also much less confusing.

Allow us to regale you with top notch discussion of John Wick/Power Rangers crossovers, Billy's deep misunderstanding of safety eyewear, Ms. Frizzle's Sentient Bus, The Super Mario Bros movie, Zack desperately trying and failing to distance himself from the Cult of Zordon, and cool, cool science shades

Episode Discussed: S02E05: Putty On The Brain

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Episode 64 - Dillon Chunks Everywhere

This week Alpha takes a stroll out of the command center and almost kills a child. That's not fan theory, that's what happens. It's a pretty great episode.

Along the way Simon narrates the entire plot of Baby's Day Out, Luke gets to say Syzygy, Zack wants to know exactly what kind of childs birthday performance you do with a giant yeti suit, Mike finally reveals himself as the crotchety old man of the podcast, Joel wants that helmet, and we all are absolutely confused and delighted by the newly discovered Alpha/Billy BDSM relationship.

Episode Discussed: S02E04: The Wanna-Be Ranger

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Episode 63 - The Moon Crew Comes Through

Hey everyone! Join us and our friend Lucas for the conclusion of The Mutiny 3 parter and discussion of the Power Rangers Movie Zords! Other stuff happens but Zack is fleeing from a hurricane so no detailed notes this week!

Special thanks to friend of the show Eric for taking a huge amount of his personal time to edit this week's episode, he is the best and we love him.

Episode Discussed: S02E03: The Mutiny Part III

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Episode 62 - Alpha Can You Zip Me?

Join us and our new friend Gorge for Part 2 of the Zedd takeover and the coolest, best middle chapter for a 3 parter! Nah, like literally nothing happens, but don't worry, in place of actual events we've got Power Ranger OCs, Tyrannosaurus Arm Comedy, New Zord Teasing, and Luke tries to make Zack throw up at least twice!

Episode Discussed: S02E02: The Mutiny Part 2

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Episode 61 - The Zords Are Very Big

WE HAVE ARRIVED in season 2! Noone thought we could do it, but join us, regular guest Molly, and best buddy Goldar as we get our morphers and finally become power rangers!

Ok listen I'd like to tell you that's what happens, but we DO get to discuss some Season 2 Fun Facts, Simon's baby being terrified of Lord Zedd, and why you should always wear protection when trying to put a Halloween costume on a kitten.

I guess this episode got pretty weird even without the whole season 2 thing, huh?

Episode Discussed: S02E01: The Mutiny: Part 1

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Episode 60 - Horse Firmware Updates

Join us and our friend Dustin, who hath returneth from the Abyss Of Lost Recordings to give us tales of Double Demon Hunters and OP Horses before we settle down to talk about Zack's final attempt to romance Angela using the power of poor characterization, material wealth.... and song!

Episode Discussed: S01E60: An Oyster Stew

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Episode 59 - The Moby Dick Of Children

Join us and TWA Theme Scribe/Performer Mitchell as we struggle against technical issues to bring you a discussion of Tommy Oliver's crippling, Memento-like memory loss, witness a Putty Training Montage, and cheer on Bulk & Skull's protest against the restrictive societal standards enforced by Mrs. Appleby.

Mitchell gives us his history of watching Power Rangers in Secret, we learn the Secret Origin of Goldar, and Zack reads THE LAST MORPHACNOMINAL EVER.

Episode Discussed: S01E59: Mighty Morphin' Mutants

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Episode 58 - More Mean Boy Hugs

ARE YOU READY FOR SOME FOOOTBAAAALL? Mike, Luke, Joel, and returning guest Tyberius are! Tommy tries to get over his crippling social anxiety to try out for the football team while literally everyone else on the cast has seemingly no problem with making the team! We learn the sad tale of Ernie's promising football career cut short, watch Bulk try out some sweet Ballet moves, and desperately try to unearth the secrets of the Mysterious Football Rap, all while making copious Space Jam comparisons.

Episode Discussed: S01E58: Football Season

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Episode 57 - Legendary Tuba Asshole

Liz Returns to join us for the introduction of the Lizzinator! Which is not her, its a big dumb monster that talks in a very poor Arnold Schwarzenegger impression, don't get them confused.

This week Jason finds out if putties can drive, we talk about the giant golden statue of Kimberly, we try to puzzle out exactly what the Lizzinator's car fetish entails, and Liz learns things about Matt she'll never be able to forget.

Episode Discussed: S01E57: Enter The Lizzinator

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Episode 56 - Juicing Your Bugaboo

Join us and returning guest Other Zack for the moment you've all been waiting for: Jason V Tommy: Dawn of Biceps, as well as discuss the Moon Crew's rampant alcoholism, Rita's collection of empty Franzia boxes, and the spell breaking power of high fives.

But before that, we catch up with Zack and discuss his unease with Shin Godzilla, a retrospective of Peter Jackson's filmography, and converting his apartment into the hold of a pirate ship.

Episode Discussed: S01E56 On Fins And Needles

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Episode 55 - Professor Edward G. Nasty

Listener Lucas joins us after hunting Zack down like wild game in order to discuss what its like to be a Power Ranger fan who grew up after the show's heyday and talk about Ernie's Youth Soccer Team, the Power Ranger's suspiciously encyclopedic knowledge of all of Angel Grove's small children, and what Bulk & Skull do every day from 3 to 5.

Episode Discussed: S01E55 Second Chance

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Episode 54 - The Legend of Chip Hayes

Join us and previous guests Lau and Tal to discuss an infamous episode from a time littered with Rappin' Grannies and Santas: That's right, the time of the Pumpkin Rapper is upon us. We talk about the weird early 90s landscape of what culture did to rap for a while, talk about how in the universe of Power Rangers, the "most popular game show in the country" is absolute complete nonsense, and discuss the mechanics of Pumpkin Wiggling.

Oh and Luke totally invents a new Pokemon Go craze.

Episode Discussed: S01E54: Trick Or Treat

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Episode 53 - The Intercontinental Burger Beef

Join returning guest Graham and new guest Sleepy Jules to discuss Zack's predilection for showmanship and magic, culminating in possibly the stupidest and most confusing monster-fighting plan of all time.

More importantly than that though, let's get down to business: Welcome to International Burger Beef 2016: Jules V Zack in a verbal fight to the death and/or extreme frustration as we take a completely unreasonable amount of time out of the middle of the episode to determine once and for all what, exactly, is a Burger. Or maybe we get exasperated and give up, I forget.

Episode Discussed: S01E53: Fowl Play

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Episode 52 - Do It With the Pamango

Zack went on vacation and accidentally left behind the keys to the podcast, so the rest of the crew takes it on a joyride. Meanwhile on Power Rangers, Tommy and Jason teach self-defense to middle-aged women and Rita Repulsa misunderstands a common aphorism about as badly as possible, but it's okay because apparently the writers did too.

Episode Discussed: S01 E52: Two Heads are Better Than One

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Episode 51 - Bee Grade Puns

We are joined by our friends Josh and Emily from the podcast VGM Jukebox to discuss the crushing dissappointmen of Billy receiving a B, and we try to determine exactly how it is possible that he built a magic flying car, and yet does not know that whales live in the ocean. Josh gives us the bizarro experience of growing up knowing about Sentai but not knowing about Power Rangers, and Emily talks about how important Trini was to her growing up, causing us to let up on Trini for a grand total of about 60 seconds.

Episode Discussed: S01E51: Grumble Bee

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Episode 50 - The Crotch Era

Liz returns to join us for an exciting/frightening new era of Zordon's Tutelage as Tommy returns to full Power Ranger status! The Morphin Grid's savior is resurrected and returns in a beam of white light! For the first time, he'll do it again later don't worry. We lay to rest the argument that Billy definitely, for sure doesn't have a mom, and we are witness to Bulk's Clowning achievement.

Episode Discussed: S01E50: Return Of An Old Friend Part 2

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