Episode 49 - Instead Of An Airbag, It's Clowns

Join us and our friend Liz for the momentous, epic, and not at all comically overplayed return of Tommy! It's Parents Day in Angel Grove and that means we meet the hilariously dressed parents of our main characters, discover Jason's dad's arms are literally full hams, learn about the hereditary nature of Bulk's curse, and begin the Great Billy's Mom Debate of 2016!

Episode 49 - Instead Of An Airbag, It's Clowns

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Episode 48 - 1 v 1 Me Bro

Join us and our new vocally Non-American friend Lau as we embark on a discussion of Power Rangers' most Culturally Insensitive if not downright racist episode yet. We discuss the shows wildly misplaced ideas of homogonous "Asian-ness", Honor as some kind of Far East Street Cred Currency, and how dang near everyone involved in the show, including the Japanese production company Toei and even Rita, an evil space witch not from earth, somehow manage to go off the racist deep end

Episode Discussed: S01E48: Plague of The Mantis

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Episode 47 - And Dr. Teeth As Ernie

We (mostly) overcome technical issues to bring you this episode of Teenagers With Attitude against all odds to bring you the level of quality you expect from us: a solid 4 out of 10. In the episode we learn about Ms. Appleby's rehab recovery, the Rangers deep and pathological mistrust of the future, what exactly is on Zack's 1993 Slammin Tunes CD, and whether or not we've been misgendering Goldar all along.

Episode Discussed: S01E47: Reign of the Jellyfish

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Episode 46 - Infernal Confection Engine

The host chair continues to jump around, flea like, and we welcome first time guest Ashley and returning guest Wade as the rangers try to save Ernie's Gym and Juice Bar from his staggeringly poor business acumen and Jason kidnaps a dog, for some reason.

Episode discussed: S01E46: To Flea or not to Flee

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Episode 45 - The Nightmare of Eternal Boners

Zack's back in the host seat and we welcome new guest and First Time Power Rangers Watcher Hugh to discuss an episode with Goldar getting an all new face and explaining his plan to Rita, preferably in very small words.

Plus, we get down to details on the tenet's of The Cult of Zordon, Mr. Kaplan's new boner pills, and the universal appeal of the space Winnebago while we follow the Rangers to the mountains and watch a surprisingly homoerotic study session while Bulk & Skull pilot the Megazord!

Episode Discussed: S01E45: Crystal of Nightmares

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Episode 44 - Fan Fiction Product Placement

Luke takes the hosting chair this week with Zack out on undisclosed, vaguely baby-related reasons, and the 5 remaining crew members take a podcast joyride and look for the biggest, fastest bus they can find to throw him under.

Join us as we take umbridge with some bulk and skull slash fiction (not for the reason you might think), Luke diggs up some old unused scripts for the show to try to find out if they ever say 'Cut To The Moon', and the crew takes the well thought out and carefully constructed discussion about the movie suits from last week and poops all over it.

Episode Discussed: S01E43: Something Fishy

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Episode 43 - Kaiju Conflict Resolution Seminar

EMERGENCY BROADCAST: 4 of the 6 original crew are out this week! Zack retrieves Simon from a life of intense Baby-Watching and corrals three guests, Molly, Second Zack, and new friend Dan in order to discuss an episode of power rangers. Or maybe two episodes of Power Rangers simultaneously, depending on who you ask.

Episode Discussed: S01E43: Something Fishy

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Episode 42 - He Appears to be Dancing

We welcome the return of our friend Molly, lured back by the promise of baby piggies. The show delivers, with a bonus of a full on Bulk & Skull "Lady and the Tramp" moment, a bunch of adorable bunnies, and extremely questionable animal adoption practices!

Episode Discussed: S01E42: A Pig Surprise

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Episode 41 - Whack The Weed Will Grow, Girl

Welcome our first listener-guest, Liz, as we move into the first post-Zyuranger Finale episode of power rangers! Learn the secret if boring origin of the TWA crew as we watch an enormous amount of reused footage, struggle to understand how Ron Wasserman slipped so badly, and learn that Bulk & Skull definitely do not actually know what a toilet is!

Episode Discussed: S01E41: Rita's Seed of Evil

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Episode 40 - CheeseScience.Net

Join us this week as we finish up the momentous Doomsday two parter. Zack is out so Joel, Mike, Luke, and new guest Chris try as hard as possible to convert the podcast into a Superman/Cheese based podcast while the Rangers try to find a way to finally take down Cyclopsis.

Episode Discussed: S01E40: Doomsday Part 2

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Episode 39 - Goldar's Day Out

Join us in this (slightly) delayed episode as we travel back in time in borrowed Power Rangers technology to try to fix the horrible paradox we caused (or possibly Zack just deleted something and we had to re-record, who knows). Hopefully we can cause some chuckles as we try to save the space time continuum from our constant fuckups!

Episode Discussed: S01E39: Doomsday Part 1

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Episode 38 - Bulk's Breakfast (And Lunch And Dinner) Club

Join us as we up the ante from the Power Ranger Punks episode and get an entire evil TEAM of rangers, complete with bad attitudes and gum chewing! As we question if the writers know what the word "evil" means, we'll also learn that Bulk and Skull are the unquestioned Kings of Detention and try to figure out why the hell every adult seems to trust them.

Episode Discussed: S01E38: A Bad Reflection On You

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Episode 35 - Chef Goldar Ramsey

Join the original 6 Ranger Squad as we witness the end of the Green Ranger and absolutely, 100% for sure the last time Tommy Oliver will ever be on the show. We kind of ignore that to mostly talk about how sad it is Goldar is constantly surrounded by incompetent morons. HE JUST TRIES SO HARD DAMMIT!

Episode Discussed: S01E35: The Green Candle Part 2

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Episode 34 - I'm A Ghost And Also Big

We resume our regularly scheduled programming as its the beginning of the end for the Green Ranger. Greg joins us once again to help answer the question: can Rita get out of the way of her own plans for once? No, don't be silly, of course not.

Episode Discussed: S01E34: The Green Candle Part 1

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Episode 32 - Fictitious Mayonnaise

We cool down a bit from last week's 7 podcaster disaster and relax on a beach with a nice calm 4 man dance, a liberal application of suntan lotion, everyone's favorite brand of mayonnaise, and a completely nonsensical Goldar-Helmed weekly plot.

Episode Discussed: S01E32: A Star Is Born

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Episode 31 - And Now I Have A Nosebleed

Join us for our first ever 7 person podcast, and very possibly our last! Listen to Zack try to pilot this constantly crashing ship as we talk about Kimberly's Terrible, Horrible, No Good Very Bad Day, we try to decipher why we love putties so much, and we come to the realization that our listeners have serious problems as they continue to ask us which character on a 1990s kids show we would like to bone down on.

Episode Discussed: S01E31: Calamity Kimberly

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