With Simon Internet-Less and Luke Zord-Deep in Metal Gear Solid 5, we welcome a new hero to the discussion and are joined by our friend Dustin Christianson to discuss a disturbing episode of Dolls, Home Invasion, and the best named monster yet.
Episode Discussed: S01E09: For Whom the Bell Trolls
Episode 8 - Michigan J. Megazord
With Matt out we're back to a Five Ranger Squad as we discuss our hopes and dreams for the Power Rangers Reboot Film, and the horror that is a living monster made out of eyeballs.
Episode Discussed: S01E08: I, Eye Guy
Episode 7 - Half Naked Dude Monster
Today we tackle the tough issues of child-parent relations, big brother/sister programs, and horribly fat Chicken monsters with giant scissors. Its that kind of episode.
Episode Discussed: S01E07: Big Sisters
Episode 6 - Evil Moon Monster Team Building Exercises
We fill out the whole Six Ranger team as we discuss the first episode most of us remember from childhood, featuring a horrifying spherical pig monster.
Episode Discussed: S01E06: Food Fight
Episode Discussed: S01E05: Different Drum
Episode 5 - Winners Definitely Do Drugs
This week our cast rotates again due to some Windows 10 issues, and we tackle the introduction of Kimberly's deaf friend and some of the 90s kid show tropes she embodies.
Episode Discussed: S01E05: Different Drum
Episode 4 - Lets Do The Time Warp Again
This week we welcome back Luke, and Simon returns to tell us about his irresponsible toy purchase as we discuss Jason's attempt to break a local exercise record.
Episode Discuss: S01E04: A Pressing Engagement
Episode 3 - Welcome to Our Existential Crisis
This week we are joined by a new team member as we watch the Rangers give some half-hearted sentiments about Teamwork and the Environment.
Episode Discussed: S01E03: Teamwork
Episode 2 - This Is So Nineties
We get the team back together to discuss Trini getting over her fear of heights, but that doesn't stop us from talking about Multiplicity, adding another nefarious group to Bulk and Skulls growing resume, Billy running a Torrent server, and TIME PUNCHING
Episode Discussed: S01#02: High Five
Episode 1 - Noooooot!!!
The 90s hits thick and fast in the first episode of the rewatch, and in this megazord-sized episode we are introduced to our heroes, our villains, and... a floating head? And a robot with a teddy bear?
Episode Discussed: S01E01: Day of the Dumpster