Episode 40 - CheeseScience.Net
Episode Discussed: S01E40: Doomsday Part 2
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Episode 40 - CheeseScience.Net
Join us this week as we finish up the momentous Doomsday two parter. Zack is out so Joel, Mike, Luke, and new guest Chris try as hard as possible to convert the podcast into a Superman/Cheese based podcast while the Rangers try to find a way to finally take down Cyclopsis.
Also at some point Luke defects from the podcast to start Teeners With Tud, an actual, real podcast that he made that can be found here, though I strongly recommend against it if you value your sanity: http://shoutengine.com/TeenersWithTud
Points of Discussion: Joel tries and fails to assert dominance, BorefactGnominal, VR Troopers V Digimon, The Only Good 90s Thing, Zordon's Apprentice, Tommy's Parting Gifts, CONSTANT UNENDING SUPERMAN DISCUSSION, What Does God Need With A Megazord, Power Rangers Of Silicon Valley, Hello Tommy My Old Friend
Episode Discussed: S01E40: Doomsday Part 2