Episode 330 - The Kegeler is Tight
We’re back and we’re here to tell you that its still true that the best episodes of Lost Galaxy barely feature the power rangers.
Trakeena gets trained in combat, Zack compares a power rangers villain to a gay heavy metal icon, RETURN OF THE SPACE SALOON, and also a major villain is killed nearly offscreen, its a wild one!
Also, blame/thank Eric for the image and episode name and for getting this one out fast!
Our annual Extra Life marathon begins today, November 4th, at 6 PM EST! Catch us on twitch.tv/videoentropy to join us! And please visit http://bit.ly/AEforthekids and consider donating to our team to help raise money for children’s hospitals!
Also, we discuss it more in the episode, but we are temporarily moving to a biweekly schedule. Thank you for your patience and understanding!
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The Kegeler is Tight