Episode 113 - Evil Billy Blue His Cover
S02E52: Blue Ranger Goes Bad
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Evil Billy Blue His Cover
This week Mike is back as host, Guest Ryan returns after the Jebediah incident, and new guest Cassandra joins us to watch an episode where everyone is so competent that its intensely offputting! Why are characterizations actually good? Why do the rangers and Zordon actually act in a responsible manner? Why is Tommy actually acting as a leader?
Luckily theres still some insane things that happen, apparently being evil makes you want to lift weights, Matt launches his sub podcast Owl Facts, Tommy makes an UTTERLY bizarre art project, and the Putties are very, very proud of their butts.
Closing music is from Saban and HyperRPG's Power Rangers Hyperforce, Tuesdays at 6PM Pacific on twitch.tv/hyperrpg