Episode 51 - Bee Grade Puns
Episode Discussed: S01E51: Grumble Bee
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Bee Grade Puns
We are joined by our friends Josh and Emily from the podcast VGM Jukebox to discuss the crushing dissappointment of Billy receiving a B, and we try to determine exactly how it is possible that he built a magic flying car, and yet does not know that whales live in the ocean. Josh gives us the bizarro experience of growing up knowing about Sentai but not knowing about Power Rangers, and Emily talks about how important Trini was to her growing up, causing us to let up on Trini for a grand total of about 60 seconds.
Along the way Mike shanghais the podcast to talk about Crush 40's musical achievements, Joel Disparages the Genesis Sound chip, Matt makes another tally on his big board, alpha collects resumes, Tommy enters the Mortal Kombat tournament, and Bulk and Skull are Blasting Off Agaiiiiiiiiin!
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Episode Discussed: S01E51: Grumble Bee