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Digital Moncast 45 - Ghost Robot Pilots

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Digital Moncast 45 - Ghost Robot Pilot Digital Moncast

This raises so many questions

We're nearing the end of the original series, so obviously it's time for the two main characters to have a punch on be and interrupted by angelic spirits in episode 45 - The Ultimate Clash


Along the way: Sentient poop, Matt almost reaches a good point but is distracted by fighting, Tai pulls the biggest guilt trip, Kari either contacted an angel spirit or took some really good drugs, Tai realises he actually made a mistake with SkullGreymon for the umpteenth time, Obi-Wan Kenobi makes his debut appearance, Kari actually for real dies forever, apparently Mekanorimon are just robots and not actually digimon, and Julie and I prepare for a great duel.