72. The Frame Up Job With Kat
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72. The Frame Up Job With Kat
We’re watching the Frame Up Job, joined by Kat, we’re talking about Life Painting, Parties, and Third Wheels.
We also discuss Fabby + 200% hotness, Cass asks about Kingdom Hearts for some reason, Since Kat was last on the show, everyone is a scientist, timeline democracy, #KatonCast, this episode is an Agatha Christie, desensitized to weird, DO YOU GET IT?, Dracula X-Overs, ‘Manservants’ are a rich white people thing, a Mark Shephard character, Doctor Names, She wears the strap, 1pm on the dot he looks at this nude, why wine, Nate can’t boink if crime is unsolved, Nate has indirect killed before and he will indirect kill again, Sophie’s nyudes, tiddy out cosplays, Mafia for theatre kids, Bob Barker?, vampires don’t poop, World Wide Westling, Kat’s Chris, one dollar, the O ring holds the strap to the straps.
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