63. The (Very) Big Bird Job with Tina
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63. The (Very) Big Bird Job with Tina
We’re watching the (Very) Big Bird Job, we’re talking about Flight Simulators, the Spruce Goose, and Teddy-Bears. We’re also joined by Tina from Welcome to Storybrooke.
We also discuss Portland, (mostly) a good episode, (mostly) a bad movie, Jean Grey’s Aliases, the Best Omens, Kate Leth as Picard voice “Make it Gay”, Sophie/Nate good, “Less is More, John”, another of Elliot’s friends, we don’t trust Mr Rogers, Interpol and Pretzels joke, Microbrewery, Be gay do Mouth Crimes, Word Salad, Westley?!, Dropped plots, Days of Future Stealcasts, Cass is in the episode, there can only be one (pilot), Kylo comparisons, Sophie hates Portland for some reason, Sophie bad acting when?, a Sheikh-y disguise, good heist/treasure hunt, Roemer thinks he has endurance, Nate’s son was named Sam, “Drink our Juice!”, chili is the human condition, the real Spruce Goose, gimmicks for days, Tina Stark, Plushies for days.
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