48. the Van Gogh Job with Nora
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48. the Van Gogh Job with Nora
We’re watching the Van Gogh Job, joined by Nora from the Export Audio Network, we’re talking about Pipe Organs, Roller Skates, and Cursed Objects.
Parts of the episode takes place in the 1940s and depicts period-approximate racism, as well as Nazis.
We also Discuss this plush gif from an anime, the Kingdom Hearts tangents begin, without Depp and Rush, Bad Yoda images (Again), Mistew Obama, Nora’s Final Fantasy XIV experience, Totes Vidya Livestream for PGDC, Girl-flavoured LaCroix, Mahjong (Again), half and hour in we start recapping the episode, Recapsmon, Tieflings are cooler than Aasimar, Fabby-Ann hates Roleplaying Games, Bakura == Astaroth, another one episode friend of Nate’s, the lost Van Ghost, windows paid for this episode, Vincent Van Gogh to the Polls, audio logs, bits are happening, Oregan is basically the same as Ontario right?, the L Word returns, Texas = big, Hast Thou Considered the Skelopod?, the problem with the Parker/Hardison relationship using the Dorothy/Charlie romantic subplot in this episode as development when Beth and Aldis are playing completely different characters, Leon Kennedy’s Date with the President’s Daughter, Spy Kids 3D is Noire?, Nora <3 Vampires, Cass wants to do an M-Day on Kingdom Hearts, Hewwo darkness my old fwiend, Lexca play Kingdom Hearts, too many Xehanorts, cursed objects list, Vincent and the Doctor, Willem Defoe Vincent Van Gogh Biopic, high school hats, Brink, Sonic Vapedriver, Mario: Grinderz, Happy Birthday Pseudomuse, cursed podcast.
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