28. The Maltese Falcon Job
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28. The Maltese Falcon Job
It’s the Season 2 Finale! We’re watching the Maltese Falcon Job, ask us about room service, bodies in bathtubs, and reunions. And oh boy do we have an episode for y’all.
We also discuss: Spoilers, notetaking, the good but also copaganda show Brooklyn 99, Leslie Knope; of the people, Parker likes girls, nudity and power, Tara is very good (yet again), that smuggler played a cop, mini bobka bobbles, 420 Elliot Spencer, hard hitting fusion commentary, Parker goes on HGA, Hardison’s 90s collection of Banshee comics, the people don’t need to know, the dark web, Parker has killed before and shall kill again, Tara vanishes into thin air, we are all digging Dug, letsstealapodcast.com-not.com.tumbr.au-not.au.com, Cass has to research the ownership of her local theme parks on the fly, a distinct lack of Zerg, the success/lack of success of Solo: A Star Wars Story, Cass’ revenge, the sound a helicopter makes.
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