16. The Order 23 Job
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16. The Order 23 Job
We’re watching the order 23 job, we’ll be talking about Floridian rats, New Joisey, and Left 4 Dead.
Major content warning for discussion of child abuse.
We also discuss, the word we were searching for is ‘Hypochondria’, Nate is oblivious, even in prison the bourgeoise are above the gentle proletariat, we return to bland naming products, hand sanitiser with moisturiser, FOMO, the Pizza rat of NYC, Gary Gergich plays against type, cops love donuts haha but also donuts are good, Wake and Bake Dogs at the Dogfather’s, this is a great child actor, nervous security guard bossed around by darth vader of the planet Vulcan, that hitman over there, all hitmen are bald, Parker can punch, we revisit punchbuggy, the show does a good job at addressing a societal issue, KHAAAAAANNNN, thanks for letting me talk L4D for a solid 2 minutes, turtle retirement, I make a reference to a specific side quest of a specific sequel that was a reference to the Ninja turtles, the Phantom Menace as a D&D campaign, and I am absolutely not looking up what fancy bacon I used.
Slay the Spire
Bon Appetit
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