11. The Juror #6 Job With Tina from Welcome to Storybrooke
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11. The Juror #6 Job With Tina from Welcome to Storybrooke
We watched the Juror #6 Job, and today we’re talking about Herbal Supplements, Jury Duty, and unfortunate Aliases.
We’re Joined by Tina from ILoveTVZines and Welcome to Storybrooke!
We also talk about Impossible merchandising, Final destination 3: the one with the elevators, gratuitous product placement, chess as a metaphor, peanut butter, lava lamps are(n’t) cute, ixnay the raisingpay the theroay odcastpay, Artistic liscence: Law, parker makes a friend, the expert witness, ParkerXPeggy fanfic, a good supervillain moment, Luck of the pizza, Chess at the Olympics, Yugioh at the Olympics, and Bad names based on our superpowers.
Jessica Jones Season 2
Let Me Tell You About Homestuck
Drop Dead Diva
Grey’s Anatomy Season (5?)
The Other Leverage Podcast can be found at: LGSaP