42. The Ho Ho Ho Job
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42. The Ho Ho Ho Job
We’re watching the Ho Ho Ho Job, we’re talking about making a list, checking it twice, and finding out who is naughty or nice. But seriously, we’re talking about Dickens, Merry Chrysler, and Eggnog.
We also discuss Pepper barking, Internet issues, Everhood, Christmas rashies, Jeff Stormer’s Talking Nog, the infantilization of autistic and neuroatypical characters, this is a good Santa, This episode could have been better in these ways, Sophie’s name, Elliot is grumpy, Sophie’s good Chauffer disguise, Shithead Grinch Wil Wheaton, Elliot’s gonna kill Sean Bean, Parker’s lost Childhood, David Copperspoon, Stan Lee stole CM Punk’s Catchphrase, we don’t care about Now You See Me and the podcast devolves into Alfred Pennyworth (Micheal Cane) interpretations, Pavlova’s Dog.
Bohemian Rhapsody
There’s this Girl
Fanfic Rec: The Armourer and The Living Weapon