Tal and Ty are back, and they join Luke to talk about the early days of electronic hentai, the architecture of the Netherlands circa 1942, and all the wonderful computer viruses this podcast is giving all of us. YOUR GAMES THIS WEEK ARE: SKAPON, for PC; Online Tennis Manager, for PC; Arnhem: The 'Market Garden' Operation, for PC; Thing Bounces Back, for PC; and Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People, for PC and Nintendo Wii. You can find the current list of rankings at bit.ly/letsplace
Episode 4: Iron Lord
It's our most shocking episode yet. Luke is joined by Dustin and Shane to discuss frog abs, debate the merits of drifting versus forklifts, learn just a LITTLE BIT about hanafuda, have a weirdly serious discussion about the value of level-up systems in online multiplayer games, and discover a new reigning GREATEST GAME OF ALL TIME. YOUR GAMES THIS WEEK ARE: Need for Speed: Underground, for Xbox, Playstation 2, GameCube, PC, and Gameboy Advance; Koi Koi Shimasho 2: Super Real Hanafuda, for... let's say "Arcade;" Iron Lord, for PC; My Frogger Toy Trials, for Nintendo DS; Iron Lord, for PC; and Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, for PC, Xbox 360, Playstion 3, and Nintendo Wii. You can view the current list of rankings here: bit.ly/letsplace
Episode 3: D-Force
Graham's back this episode, and this time he's joined along with new panelist Zack as we discuss Hatsune Miku games (even though we're not ranking any of them), confront Leisure Suit Larry, become incredibly disappointed by a Sega Saturn game, and realize that the Bionic Commando reboot really wasn't all that bad. Also, Graham learns about Elsa Dentist and will never be the same again. YOUR GAMES THIS WEEK ARE: Leisure Suit Larry: Magna Cum Laude, for Xbox, Playstation 2, and PC; Yokoyama Mitsuteru Sangokushi, for Super Famicom; Deka Yonku: Tough the Truck, for Sega Saturn; D-Force, for SNES; and Bionic Commando (2009), for Xbox 360, Playstation 3, and PC. You can find the current rankings at bit.ly/letsplace
Episode 2: Elsa Dentist
This episode, Luke sits down with guests Tal and Tyberius to rank the next five games. Also he gets some phone calls while recording. We talk about South American SNES romhacks, the ethical utility of cutting hair versus piloting a fighter jet, and the horrifying world of flash games marketed to girls. YOUR GAMES THIS WEEK ARE: IL-2 Sturmovik, for PC; International Superstar Soccer Deluxe, for SNES; Busy Scissors, for Nintendo DS and Nintendo Wii; Elsa Dentist, for PC; and Warlords (1990), for PC. You can find the current ranked list at http://bit.ly/letsplace
Episode 1: California Speed
In our first episode ever, Luke sits down with Graham, Christopher (?) and a Skype Ghost (!) to establish the beginning of our RANKED LIST OF ALL VIDEO GAMES. To start off, we've randomly selected five games from some dumb pastebin page we found. YOUR GAMES THIS WEEK ARE: Aruberea no Otome, for PC and PSX; Gods and Heroes: Rome Rising, for PC; California Speed, for Arcade and N64; Desert Speedtrap Starring Road Runner and Wile E. Coyote, for Sega Master System and Game Gear; and Wild Wheels, for PC. We also learn a lot of irrelevant but interesting details about Road Runner cartoons, and also that Graham is a real piece of trash. You can view the list to date at the following link: http://bit.ly/letsplace