Episode 29 - The Galaxy's Worst Dungeon Master
Episode discussed: The Gamekeeper
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The Galaxy's Worst Dungeon Master
Have you ever known this guy, who was just so annoying but was convinced he was a creative genius? Who had this game he came up with and would NEVER shut up about, and kept forcing all his friends to play, and which was just miserable? Clearly he was the only guy around the table having any fun while everyone else was at best just humoring him and at worst openly hostile, because his campaign was just terrible? This guy is the villain this week.
We get a little more backstory for Jack and Daniel this week, as we get to see a botched black op O’Neill was involved in in the 80s, which gives us a surprise appearance by our buddy Kawalsky who died a year ago of Goa’uld-related complications. Or at least, a convincingly creepy AI-generated deepfake of him. On the Daniel side, we see his Batman origin story, as his parents get repeatedly crushed by an Egyptian temple ceiling. Nobody likes any of it, and we get this giggling asshole trying to convince everyone they’re actually having fun. Also, Teal’c gets a magnificent wig.
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