Episode 17 - Daniel Jackson And The Code Of Life
Episode discussed: Hathor
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Daniel Jackson And The Code Of Life
Why? God, why? This episode is a mess! Here we have a big ol’ poop of a script, where an evil but sexy temptress in a terrible wig comes into the SGC with a bullhorn and a neon sign that scream “I am a Goa’uld”, and the boys just kinda let it happen. Emphasis on boys, because this is 1997, and this is a very heteronormative SGC that employs a grand total of four women, plus or minus a Teal’c.
So her royal highness Hathor easily finds her way into their pants and, most importantly, their hot tub, she has her way with Daniel’s, ahem, juices (no seriously), she turns O’Neill into a Jaffa but it doesn’t stick, she catches on fire (???) but then she’s fine anyway (???) and, god, I can feel my brain leaking out of my ears. We don’t even go to another planet this week. She goes to Chulak! Chulak! Where Apophis’ Jaffa live! What why just wh
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