Episode 20 - We Have Purposely Taught Narim Wrong, As A Joke
Episode discussed: Enigma
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We Have Purposely Taught Narim Wrong, As A Joke
This week! We briefly visit Planet Tollan, home of the Tollans, who make up for their lack of creativity in naming things by being really advanced technologically, we’re talking Star Trek level here. We don’t stay there long though, as the planet is currently undergoing a cataclysmic volcanic eruption, and so we have to skedaddle out of there with a handful of survivors.
Of those survivors, one of them is Literally the Jigsaw Killer, and he’s none too thrilled at these Earth goobers acting all friendly while staring sweatily at his tricorder-type stuff, as it turns out these are literally the Federation, in that they also have a Prime Directive, and on this show it’s the protagonists playing the role of the pre-warp civilization. The other guy is friendlier, though! Unfortunately, he’s the kind of Ph. D that doesn’t understand concepts like “bird” or “bed sheets”. But what his mind doesn’t know, his heart makes up for it, god bless that himbo. Good enough for Sam, anyway. Also Maybourne is here! God we hate Maybourne. I hate little punchable Harry so much and I’m really happy he’s finally showed up.
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