War and Beast Presents: Episode 16 I don't need this negativity
The intro was thrown off thanks to a clap this week! But we get things back on track to review the fourth episode of Kingdom!
Some of this week’s discussion: What a finale (that IMDB and TF Wiki don’t really talk about); Front-Down; He was joking (Kendall was not in fact pro-Predacon); Prime’s chest vagina; The sins of the second moon; Basically an episode of Beast Machines; Questions!
If you liked what you heard follow us on twitter (https://twitter.com/WarandBeast) & Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/groups/warandbeastpodcast/) or email us at warandbeastpodcast@gmail.com. We are happy to read any questions and comments that are sent in.
You can find all of us on twitter!
Greg - https://twitter.com/therealgonmun
Emily - https://twitter.com/ThisIsEmeralds
Jordan - https://twitter.com/Dori_mingu
Kendall - https://twitter.com/Khalman
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I don't need this negativity