War and Beast Presents: Episode 2 Magical Dodecahedron
Welcome to Monday!
With the start of the week we present to you a new episode of our review of War for Cybertron Episode 2!
This week we discuss: Greg throws off Kendall right from the start; Bladerunner double joke; Tron/Transformers references; Toys R Us survives in Canada; Evil but he's not Eeeevil; Kendall buys Greg a comic in the middle of the episode; We got lots of names this episode; Further support of Jordan's energon efficiency theory; Questions!
If you liked what you heard follow us on twitter (@WarandBeast) & Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/groups/warandbeastpodcast/) or email us at warandbeastpodcast@gmail.com. We are happy to read any questions and comments that are sent in.
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Magical Dodecahedron