Episode 56 - Kendall likes them even though they're vehicles
Happy Saturday Beasties!
We're getting closer to the holiday season! Decorations going up, weather getting colder and parades getting ready to run down the roads and malls chock-full of people. Why not keep yourself sane and take a couple of hours of escape and listen in as we introduce you to three new characters as we review Season 1 Episode 3 - Fires of the Past!
Some things we discuss this week: There was nothing on IMDB; The Return of Cybertronics!; A Fidget Cube before it's time?; What type of music would have been brought to Cybertron?; Stone Cold Optimus Primal; She was humming Smash Mouth under her breath; Kendall forgot to turn his mic back on; Newspost and Questions!
If you liked what you heard follow us on twitter (@WarandBeast) & Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/groups/warandbeastpodcast/) or email us at warandbeastpodcast@gmail.com. We are happy to read any questions and comments that are sent in.
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Episode 56 - Kendall likes them even though they're vehicles