Episode 23 - All I know is I'm glad Snowstalker won best picture
Happy Saturday Beast Wars fans!
It's the last weekend for the month of January and we are reviewing one of the saddest episodes so far, Episode 23 - Law of the Jungle.
This week some things discussed are: Reminiscing about Wizard magazine; It's the Ciiiiiircle of Liiiiife!; The signal is "Attack you imbecile!"; Other names for Transformers hell; Kendall appreciates anyone who laughs at his bad jokes; How did the episode get so political?; He pulls a Ninja Turtles move; Bet you thought Greg wouldn't make a bad joke this episode; Questions!
Also make sure to listen all the way through and hear of Kendall's discovery on a Bob Dylan album!
Please feel free to follow us on twitter (@WarandBeast) & Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/groups/warandbeastpodcast/) or email us at warandbeastpodcast@gmail.com. We are happy to read any questions that are sent in.
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Episode 23 - All I know is I'm glad Snowstalker won Best Picture