Episode 50 - Two's A Crowd (Superman: The Animated Series S01E13)
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Episode 50 - Two's A Crowd (Superman: The Animated Series S01E13)
We're back! Most of us! Well, half of us. Look, the important part is that we are back on your favorite podcast feed and have the Season Finale of Superman: The Animated Series' first season for your ear holes!
With Cameron and Mitch otherwise occupied, Graham and Zack are forced to maintain a conversation for over an hour and a half, covering this episode of Superman where Parasite finds himself having his own extended conversations with his new body-buddy.
While spending a record amount of time being on-topic, Zack and Graham give you their month-old Last Jedi takes, talk about wrestling a bunch and discuss their preferred deli meats.
Your Komix Korner recommendation this week is The Flintstones by Mark Russell and Steve Pugh.
As always, feel free to shoot us an email at allalongthewatchtowerpodcast@gmail.com or on Twitter at @watchtowerdcau.
Komic Korner music, "Paris Ballad", provided by Dana Boulé via the Creative Commons License. Check out her work here:
Our Technical Difficulties Music, "Organ Grinder Swing" by chēēZ π via the Creative Commons License. Check out their work here: freemusicarchive.org/music/chZ_/
Our gorgeous album art was graciously made by Gustav Carlson, check out Gus' fantastic webcomic Tourist Unknown at touristunknown.com