Episode 7 - Christmas with the Joker (Batman: The Animated Series S01E02)
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Christmas with the Joker
Ho ho ho, listeners. Hope you're prepared for an expired egg nog induced fever dream because this episode is WEIRD. Joker terrorizes the city of Gotham, the spirit of Christmas and our expectations of what BTAS is supposed to be. We also discuss how much A Christmas Story sucks (a whole bunch), the wonderful caption work they are doing at Amazon and proper Joker Hostage Etiquette.
As always, feel free to shoot as an email atallalongthewatchtowerpodcast@gmail.com or on Twitter at @watchtowerdcau.
Komic Korner music, "Paris Ballad", provided by Dana Boulé via the Creative Commons License. Check out her work here:freemusicarchive.org/music/Dana_Boule/
Our gorgeous album art graciously made by Gustav Carlson, check out Gus' fantastic webcomic Tourist Unknown at touristunknown.com